
Registration Forms for our show, A Look Back...A Look Ahead are now available on line!

Check the show page for links to the registration forms and model forms.

Also, make sure you notice that we are offering a pre-registration discount of $3 to anyone who emails a copy of their registration form to us before January 18, 2011.  This will help us a great deal in having our scoring system set up in advance and save us a bunch of computer time the day of the show, so it's really a win - win kind of thing.

Check it out, take advantage of the discount, and let us know if you have any questions!


Hidden talents of new members.....

So you see a post on Hyperscale from a guy moving to your area asking if there is a club in the area.  You respond that, yes, there is.  He comes and joins your informal merry band of plastic pranksters, and then, after a bit, you find out that, well, he's got some hidden talents.  Like he's a photographer.

That's Dave Wells.  One of the newest members of The Chattanooga Scale Modelers, and you can see some really cool pictures on his Web Site:


Take a look.


FiFi Flies Again!

From Horton Herrin comes this fantastic link.  The Commemorative Air Force's  B-29 FiFi recently took to the air again for the first time since 2004.  Click here for the story, pictures and a video.

Thanks Horton!


The What's New "blog" Starts

I have to say, I never really imagined myself as the webmaster type...but here goes!  First of all, don't count on frequent or regular updates here.  You'll get 'em when I think I've got something to say, and not before! (and yes, I am a sarcastic SOB...hopefully you take with the humor with which it's intended!)

Lynn, Tom and I are just back from the Nationals in Phoenix.  I know, I know, it's a dry heat.  But so is my oven, and you don't see me crawling in there for fun!  But seriously, it was a great show.  The guys in Arizona did a fantastic job and from a participant's POV, it was flawlessly run.  Turnout was perhaps a touch small, but that's more the economy than anything.  Check back in about a month for pictures and more details!

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