ModelCon 2020
Jan 10 & 11, 2020
at the Chattanooga Convention Center
Once again the same weekend as World of Wheels for the auto enthusiast!
And once again, we have a special show rate ($130/night) at the attached Marriott Hotel.
Click here for a direct reservations link.
Or call the hotel at 423-756-0002 and reference the Chattanooga Scale Modelers.
What's it cost? $12 per person, $17 per family, with a $2 discount for IPMS or AMPS members.
This year will be a much different show than in the past. To be completely honest, after hosting ModelCon 2019 and the 2019 Nationals, we're a little (ok, a LOT) burned out. But this would be the 10th annivdersary of ModelCon, and we don't want to let that pass. So rather than not do anything, we thought we'd try something different (when's the last time we did that!).
For this year, and this year only, we are stepping away from our GSB contest format, and awarding popular vote awards only. More than ever before, the show this year is about people and models, rather than a contest. Everyone who "enters" a model with get a ballot and we'll award the top three vote getters in the folllowing categories:
Aircraft Small Scale (1:49 scale and smaller)
Aircraft Large Scale (1:48 scale and larger)
Armor Small Scale (1:36 scale and smaller)
Armor Large Scale (1:35 and larger)
Dioramas (including Automotive)
Space & Sci-Fi
In addition, the members of the Chattanooga Scale Modelers will also select a Best in Show from any model on display at the show.
But that's not all. We'll also have plenty of vendor tables for everyone to shop. Keep a watch for the vendors taking part.
We'd also really like to encourage you to bring a project to work on. This could be a really great opportunity for folks to learn from others by seeing what they do. Who knows, you might be the one teaching something new to someone. And don't be afraid to paint. We'll have a compressor, all you'll need to do is bring your airbrush! (we'll have some hoses on hand, but you may want to bring your own to make sure there's no connector compatibility issues!)
But again, that's not all. There's more coming...please keep checking back. We are planning on lots of fun. A movie or two on Friday night. The cash bar will be back on Friday...we want to have lots of fun with our modeling buddies!