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Been a long time!

Sorry guys, I've been really busy these days, and updating the web has had to take a back seat.

So, what's new?  Well, a few things.

First, it has been official for a couple of months, but Hobby Town in Chattanooga has closed.  Unfortunately we haven't heard from Marsha since, but we do sincerely wish her well.  We also hear rumors that there are a couple of folks looking at taking over the franchise territory and are looking into other locations in Chattanooga.  We sure can hope.  In the meantime, unless we find somewhere else that makes sense, we'll be meeting at the East Brainerd Church of Christ.

Second, it's also official, we're moving forward with a show for the second year.  We've selected the date, January 21, 2012 (pretty much the exact same weekend as last year.  It's been blessed by Grand Poohba RC, Phil Hale and formally approved by the DLC, and should be showing up in the IPMS/USA show schedule on the website anytime now.

Well, I guess that's about it for now.  Hopefully I'll be able to carve out some more time and keep this place a little more current.

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