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A couple bits...

Well, the 2012 Nationals at Disney are in the past.  IPMS Pelikan Model Club did an OUTSTANDING job hosting the convention.  While everyone I saw was having a very good time, there did end up being some controversy regarding the venue.  For some, they simply refuse to step foot in the land of Mickey, for others it was too far to travel, and for many of the vendors, the Mou$e greatly reduced the amount of loose change that many modelers had to spend in the vending rooms.

But, again, it really was a very good show, and the Pelikans should be very proud of what they did!  Now on to Loveland CO for 2013!

On another note, I came across this link to the US Marine's publications library.  There is a GOLD MINE here for Marine Corps history.  I'd be willing to be there are hundreds of thousands of pages of free material and tons of great pictures buried in those pages if you're willing to dig.  I know I spent a good 2-3 hours downloading interesting looking PDF's.  Just make sure you've got some free space on your hard drive before digging in!

Marine Corps publications

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